Twenty-five percent of respondents indicated that being tied to the bed was their least favorite punishment.
Another twenty-five percent were of the opinion that having your nose rubbed into whatever it was you spilled was the worst.
A separate twenty-five percent said the silent treatment (with the mean looks and heavy nostril breathing) followed by an unpredictable tirade after about ten minutes was the worst with one person noting that "while she does this she also bustles around washing dishes and wiping off the counter, periodically darting daggers in your direction with her eyes."
The final quarter of people polled selected the 'other' option but only one (Craig) elaborated in the comments section, saying, "what about when mom storms into the room and starts yelling at you, then she leaves. Then a little over a minute, maybe a minute and a half, later she reappears again. This time she runs into the room waving a sharp object of some kind, like a knife or scissors. Then she yells at you some more. Finally, she does it. SHE CUTS THE TELEVISION CORD. OH NO! However, occasionally one may get lucky and she will leave the house. Thus, we can sit around doing nothing or watch Ben fix the TV cord. Or you can watch Craig almost get shocked as he attempts to do the same thing he saw [Ben] do."
I suspect that one of the 'other' options was selected by Mom herself who, after admonishing me that the poll was a rude thing to do, informed me that her favorite punishment was to knock her kids' heads together. Apparently, if two children are fighting with each other, a couple of mild concussions will unite them in mutual disdain for the punisher.
Anyway, those were the results from the poll. If you want to find out what I've been up to, feel free to keep reading.
I guess the big news is that I found out that I didn't get into the 'Y' or the 'U'. I also didn't get into the Easter candy back in 1999 despite what Elise told Mom. The 'Y' said I didn't have enough work experience, the 'U' said my GPA was too low, and Elise simply stuck her tongue out at me, shook her head back and forth, and gave me a look as if to say "ha ha ha, Mom will always believe me 'cause I'm her favorite."
Does it ever bother you when people change topics without a trasitionary sentence or phrase? Me too, it's kind of annoying.
My birthday was a few weeks ago. Thanks to all the well-wishers who called and offered their well-wishes. Also a very special thanks to Marae and the-other-Ben, the Jensens, and Grandma for celebrating my birthday with me.
My birthday-buddy, Athena, and her family came up for Easter. The Faveros are always fun and we had a good time while they were here.
Unfortunately, I haven't really taken any pictures for a while so I don't have any to post except this one of Craig.
He keeps insisting that Dad and Mom get some rabbits at their new place for him to take care of.
Also, I've received a lot of comments about the LEGO videos I made so here's another one.
Enjoy, and answer the latest poll question.