The object of the game is quite simple—each player searches for words that can be constructed from the letters of sequentially adjacent cubes, where "adjacent" cubes are those horizontally, vertically or diagonally neighboring. Words must be at least three letters long, may include singular and plural (or other derived forms) separately, but may not use the same letter cube more than once per word. Each player records all the words he or she finds by writing on a private sheet of paper. After three minutes have elapsed, all players must stop writing and the game enters the scoring phase.
In the scoring phase, each player reads off his or her list of discovered words. If two or more players wrote the same word, it is removed from all players' lists. For all words remaining after duplicates have been eliminated, points are awarded based on the length of the word. The winner is the player whose point total is highest.
Marae ended up winning the game, so I have decided to improve and increase my vocabulary. Not only should this help me in Boggle, but it has been shown that if you know a lot of words it makes you sound smarter. Or, as I always say, a capaciously commodious lexicon propagates a presupposition of perspicaciousness propitious to the confabulator.
To help me in this endeavor, I have decided to utilize Dictionary.com's "word of the day" feature. Each day a new word is featured along with its definition, origin, and usage examples. Today's word is "scintilla".
scintilla \sin-TIL-uh\, noun: A tiny or scarcely detectable amount; the slightest particle; a trace; a spark.
Since doing this, my Boggle skills have improved. With a cursory glance at the above Boggle grid I found:
crackers, accusers, suckers, sounder, resound, rackers, huskers, duckers, dackers, cracker, accuses, accuser, sunder, sucres, sucker, soucar, racker, onuses, nouses, husker, ducker, dacker, cracks, accuse, users, under, suers, sucre, sucks, sound, sonde, snuck, racks, nukes, nuder, noses, husks, hucks, dusks, dukes, ducks, cusks, crack, cared, cadre, arcus, acres, acred, uses, user, sues, suer, suck, rhus, rare, rack, onus, nuke, nude, nous, nose, husk, huns, hues, huck, herd, dusk, duos, duns, duke, dues, duck, dare, cusk, cues, care, card, cade, acre, use, sun, sue, sud, sou, son, ser, res, red, rad, oud, nus, nos, hun, hue, her, era, edh, duo, dun, due, cue, cud, car, cad, are, arc, and ade.
131 words worth 215 points, not too bad. Or, should I say, not even a scintilla of...badness.
On a completely different but not completely unrelated note, when we went out to Liz & Ryan's house I returned the bin of LEGOs I had borrowed from Davy and Danny. I had been using them to try out some stop motion animation—where you set up a scene, take a picture, change the scene slightly, take another picture, and continue that sequence until you have hundreds of pictures that, when viewed in rapid succession, create the illusion of movement. Here are a couple of brief examples:
Anyway, that's about it for now. Gratchiss for reading my blog. Be sure to answer the poll question.
(Results from "Favorite Craig Nickname" poll: C.R. C.R. da yoof uh da nayshin=50%, Fatboy=37%, Lover Boy=13%)
That is crazy, I was just thinking how much I enjoy the word of the day when I actually utilize it & was also wondering if it were possible to put it on my blog (since it is the only thing I check frequently). Once again you are smarter, quicker, wittier, buffer, skinnier, richer, and better looking than I. No wonder you think mom likes me better, I finally get it!
did you really do the lego videos? i've been watching them all day.
also, i voted for mom punishment #2, but i'd like to add that while she does this she also bustles around washing dishes and wiping off the counter, periodically darting daggers in your direction with her eyes.
ps: nice slide show
pps: gratchiss (or grotches, as i like to say) for blogging again
ppps: i saw david crapo on campus and we talked about your genius, as usual.
We all loved your videos. Davy has watched them over and over. I'm glad you like Boggle. I'll watch out next time we play. You'll smoke us all for sure. Davy's been asking if you can come and play Legos again soon. Let us know. PS: Do you remember the melaluca sandwiches? You probably weren't in school yet. I was in 4th grade I think. I still think that must have been a punishment.
Cool videos, Ben. Thanks for the entertainment! Your blog is always a joy to read :)
Isn't it about time?...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................to blog!...or at least come see me.
Hey Bean dip (you need to do a pole for your favorite nick name) you crack me up. I cant imagine how you did the videos. maybe you should start a legos cartoon and take it main stream, I would watch it even if you werent my bro.
Cruel and Unusual Punishment?
Yea those are pretty bad. But what about when mom storms into the room and starts yelling at you, then she leaves. Then a little over a minute, maybe a minute and a half, later she reappears again. This time she runs into the room waving a sharp object of some kind, like a knife or scissors. Then she yells at you some more. Finally, she does it. SHE CUTS THE TELEVISION CORD. OH NO!
However, occasionally one may get lucky and she will leave the house. Thus, we can sit around doing nothing or watch Ben fix the TV cord. Or you can watch Craig almost get shocked as he attempts to do the same thing he saw be do.
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