Oops, that's a picture of a dustbowl-era house. I easily confuse the two. Here's the Yerington house.
We've been working for a few weeks to make it look as nice as it does in this photo. Lots of landscaping, digging, hauling, burning, blistering, and such. But it's fast becoming Mom's dreamhouse...or at least the latest in a series of dreamhouses. I guess as soon as one is done she dreams of another. Which would explain the results of the latest poll.
When asked how long it would be before Dad and Mom move again, 50% said between 1 and 5 years. The other half predicted less than one year.
Elise has already moved away. I don't know if she got sick of cooking or simply fed up of Mom trying to set her up with an older gentleman from the ward ('he's a rancher...he's a cowboy'). I, too, will be leaving ASAP. I plan on going back to Provo for a little while. My buddy, Jason Bergquist and I are going on a camping trip over Memorial Day weekend. After that, maybe I'll hike the 'Y' again with Elise.
Or maybe I'll hang out with Marae before she heads off to Maine.
Whatever the case, I'll keep ya'll in 'da loop.
See what I did there? I took the letters from those three words and highlighted the ones that spell 'Linda', thus creating the perfect segue to wish Mom a happy belated Mother's Day.