Friday, September 11, 2009

Who will be the very first "Winner of the Week"?

So it seems Mom has finally updated her blog after nearly a year. Check it out and be sure to leave a few comments so she knows people are actually interested (at least more interested than in the AAD blog...that shouldn't be hard to do)

In reading Mom's newer posts you will notice that she incorrectly states that we attended "Marae and Ryan's wedding". Of course we all know she married Ben Campbell, but I was under the impression she would end up with this guy:

NOTE: The first person to correctly explain the previous reference in my comments section will be the "Winner of the Week" and will receive recognition and accolades in my next blog post.

Also, in going through some other blogs, I discovered Bella, Rachael B., Victor, and Nick all have blogs I didn't know about. Check those out too.


Lizzylou said...

My guess is that you always said Marae will get married to a lobster fisher man (or whatever they are called). Good thing she found Ben first.

Ben said...

Not quite

Marae said...

i know, i know!
i'm sure elise does too, but she's probably not checking your blog because she's not expecting such incredible back to back posts.

Elise said...

Does this mean you will post at least once a week?!

I will live my life as a lobsterman's wife on an island in the blue bay.