Thursday, January 22, 2009

It looks like it's time to blog once again. Some people like to blog as often as they change their socks--pretty much everyday. Me, on the other hand, blog about as often as I change my oil--every three months or 3,000 miles. Actually, it's been about five months since I last wrote, and I've traveled about 1,000,000 miles, so I'm pushing the limits.

Last time I wrote, I was living with David and Jeanne and their family. I had gone there under the pretense of working for David's company but was really investigating a theory held by many of our closest family members.

For years, at reunions and get-togethers, we had watched in awe at how amazing Jeanne was and wondered "how did David get a wife like her?" "Surely", we speculated, "there must be some major character flaw that has remained cleverly disguised. Or, perhaps, this is all a facade."

After months of observation, I had not run across any incriminating evidence. However, I spent much of my time at work and could not devote enough time to solving this great mystery. So I recruited Marae and Elise to join me. They quit their lucrative careers on the East coast and moved to Washington to aid me in the effort.

Having two more siblings up there was great. They kept an eye on Jeanne during the day and then we partied in the evenings. Unfortunately, they gave up after a few months of sleuthing and went home. Apparently they thought their detailed observations were pointless. I, however, had a suspicion that a breakthrough was about to be made. You see, in October David's family moved across town. I knew from experience that if anything could send someone into a murderous rage, it was moving. October came and went. Then November came--nothing! Finally, I concluded that Jeanne was genuinely awesome and returned home.

Although my investigation did not end the way I had expected, I was still grateful for the time I got to spend with David and his family. David and Jeanne are great parents and their kids are very smart and are learning some valuable skills. Here is a video of a talent they picked up by observing their dad.

While I was in Washington I bought a car. I had a feeling my old one was on its last leg so I got a 4-Runner. In fact, the car I was driving broke down between Idaho Falls and Pocatello last week as Craig was coming home from the temple. My new rig is great for picking up girls. As you can see, I'm picking up a girl in this picture. She's being a little immodest, but when you've got abs like that you like to show them off.

It's too bad about Craig, though. After two years on a bike he finally gets a car and it breaks down.

Speaking of breakdowns, mom decided to move to Nevada. I decided to move away. I'm now in Provo applying to business school. I'm in Marae's ward and Elise in gonna try to join the party too. Hopefully it's more eventful than my last trip to Utah when Elise took this picture of me standing motionless next to a narrow crack. It was a moment I'll either remember for the rest of my life or forget easily--probably the latter.

I guess that's what you have to expect from a girl who told me to take a picture of some people standing on top of a cliff and say it's me rather than actually taking a picture of me standing on top of a cliff. And, on that note, here's a picture of me standing on top of a cliff.


Elise said...

Best blog post ever!!!

Elise said...

Seriously, Jeanne is bomb cool.

Elise said...

I hope you can break down the barriers that you have put up between us because I didn't photograph you risking your life.

Elise said...

oh....those were the times partying like no other. Fred Meyer runs. Smoothies. Net flix. speed walking competitions. Cindy & her $600 cowboys boots.

Rae & I want to take a trip soon. Are you in?

Elise said...

That is a great picture of you & those two other guys on that cliff. You are so hard core!

Marae said...

i agree about you being hardcore on the cliff!

Marae said...

i thought about buying grapefruit sours today

Marae said...

you forgot your weights? i heard dad is going to bring them.

Marae said...

i bought some grapefruit sours!
some are sweet and some are sour. it's like a surprise. i'm sure elise told you all about them, though.

Marae said...

chelsea just went to lunch with brad cook and his wife anya.

Marae said...

sometimes i change my socks twice a day

Jeanne said...

you are sooo funny! not totally true but very funny.thanks for all the nice things you said. the truth is you have an amazing brother and i'm not as nice as i seem. we all miss you a ton. xoxo

Lizzylou said...

I blog ever! Worth the 5 month wait!

Rachel said...

You are absolutely HILARIOUS and really MUST write a book, Ben! What talent you have! Please share it more often!!!!

Marae said...

you need to change your socks.