Friday, April 2, 2010

Hangin' out with the Lindseys

While we were up in Washington, Elise and I stayed with David and Jeanne's family. I got a chance to take a bunch of pictures and here are some of them. They're not really in any logical order because blogger is weird like that.
The Fam.
Tommy learning to crawl.

Eliza is happy to have her picture taken...

Soph. Soph. Soph. Soph. Soph. Soph.

Playing Cyclo Maniacs on the laptop.

Cooper the businessman selling rocks from an ironing board. Prices range from $.25 to $1000. Be advised, he does not accept checks.


Cooper studying his countries and capitals.


Cooper at baseball practice.

Sophia showing off her missing tooth.

Alice eating ice cream.

1 comment:

Marae said...

whoa ben, becoming quite the photog!

and, hope your birthday was really really good.